What's in a name? In this case, it's simple. Calla lilies have been my favorite flower since I was young, and lace was the first textile I adored. That's it. Nothing complicated or particularly deep. Just me. I also enjoy comfortable silences, tea, good music, biscotti, and sunny afternoons, but I couldn't stick that all into a title.
For those of you who are wondering why I switched from Tumblr to Blogger, I made the decision because, though Tumblr is more streamlined, Blogger gives me much more freedom in terms of overall aesthetics...mostly because I don't know how to code close to jack-squat. Feeling the user-friendliness, and also Blogger, I think, appeals more to the kind of posts I want. Maybe. I suppose if I end up not liking Blogger, I could always switch back. So here's to experimentalism.